Are you looking for a cat that won’t just walk around or lie in bed all day, you need a playful cat breed.

Top 10 most playful cats

No 10 Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora cats are notably more energetic than many other breeds, which means they thrive on plenty of playtime with their people.

No 09 Sphynx

While the Sphynx cat breed is generally recognized for their hairless exterior and peach fuzz coat, they are also one of the most playful cat breeds.

No 08 Birman

This inquisitive and playful cat breed is perfect for pet owners who love having a constant companion.

No 07 Cornish Rex

This long-legged cat breed loves to play with the family and other pets in the home.

No 06 Burmese

These medium-sized felines are a playful breed that loves companionship. 

No 05 Siberian

Siberian cats are Not only one of the smartest breeds but also the most playful.

No 04 Manx

Manx cat that’s similar to a dog, they are generally smart, fun, and loves to play.

No 03 Abyssinian

Abyssinian are the most playful breed. Also known as super friendly and paluful cat

No 02 Japanese Bobtail

they are extremely playful and sociable cats. They like to play games, and learn new tricks.

No 01 Siamese

Siamese cats are your best friends, as well, attached to to your hip at a minimum.

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