Most Common Pigeon Diseases You  Must Know

Diseases have also been found in pigeons that can harm their health, Here are symptoms and how to prevent it to keep your pigeons healthy.

no1 Paramyxovirus (PMV)

Paramyxovirus is a virus disease which, In fact, affects pigeons very quickly especially in big loft or near large collection of birds.

no 2 Canker (Trichomoniasis)

Richomonas gallinae a protozoan found in the throat or crop of many pigeons. This is a common problem that mainly affects with young squabs.

no 3 Pigeon Pox

Pigeon Pox looks like wart-like growths on the beak and legs. Protection of the virus can be done by proper vaccination and control of mosquitoes.

no 4 Ornithosis (Pigeon Chlamydia)

This is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia psittaci which can be transmitted to humans from pigeons.

no 5 Salmonellosis (Paratyphoid)

These include a bacterial infection that causes diarrhea, lameness and lethargy. Sanitize lofts often and deal with outbreaks via antibiotics.

no 6 Coccidiosis

This is a parasitic infection often accompanying diarrhea, weight loss, and lethargy. Maintain dry lofts and medicate affected birds with anti-coccidial drugs.

no 7 Worms (Helminths)

Worms can lead to weight loss as well as you may be able to see worms in the droppings. If you wish to avoid pigeon internal parasites

no 8 Aspergillosis

Aspergillosis causes coughing and recurrent problems with breathing due to a fungal infection in moldy environments.