10 Most Common Pigeon Diseases You Must Know — What Every Pigeon Owner Should Aware Of

Detailed close-up of a rock pigeon with vibrant plumage against a colorful blurred background.

All birds including pigeons, are at risk of all types of diseases that can seriously affect its health and quality of life. Pigeons can pigeon fanciers from all over the world whether they are wild, racing or domesticated need to know some common pigeon diseases and their treatment. What these diseases have in common is that their symptoms can be recognized if you already know them so that your pigeons will still live and cheerfully act.

Today we will discuss in this blog the diseases that pigeons mostly suffer from, what are symptoms of those diseases and also how to prevent and control them.

1. Paramyxovirus (PMV)

Cause: Paramyxovirus is a virus disease which, In fact, affects pigeons very quickly especially in big loft or near large collection of birds. This is one of the most dangerous pigeon diseases due to its infectious nature.


Neck torsion: Also referred to as Torticollis


Inability to perch

Difficulty flying

Watery green droppings

Prevention & Treatment:

Administer PMV vaccine to pigeons once a year.

Quarantine sick birds

There is no specific cure for PMV, but symptomatic management can be given.

2. Canker (Trichomoniasis)


Canker : A Cause of Canker – Trichomonas gallinae a protozoan found in the throat or crop of many pigeons. This is a common problem that mainly affects with young squabs.


White or yellowish-white patches within the mouth or throat

Swallowing or eating becoming difficult

Swollen throat

Weight loss

Prevention & Treatment:

Wash and disinfect water and food bowls regularly.

Use ronidazole or metronidazole under a veterinarian prescription.

Keep Infected Bird Isolated to Avoid Spread

3. Pigeon Pox


Pigeon Pox: This virus affects mostly the skin, particularly in face and eyes. It is acquired by the bite of a mosquito or close contact with infected pigeons.


Triangular shaped bead growth on beak, eyes or legs

Shortness of breath in severe cases.

Loss of appetite

Prevention & Treatment:

Protect Against Bird Pox by Vaccinating pigeons

Keep the mosquito numbers down around the pigeon lofts

Other than that the lesions are usually self-limiting and resolve within 3-4 weeks with supportive care.

4. Ornithosis (Pigeon Chlamydia)


Ornithosis: This is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia psittaci which can be transmitted to humans from pigeons. It primarily attacks the respiratory system of pigeons.


Nasal discharge

Breathing difficulty

Swollen eyelids

Decreased appetite and weight loss

Prevention & Treatment:

Provide adequate hygiene in pigeon lofts (e.g., cleaning cages and perches frequently).

Consult a vet to prescribe antibiotics, like doxycycline.

Affected pigeons have to be isolated so that the disease will not spread to other birds and people.

5. Salmonellosis (Paratyphoid)


Also known as paratyphoid, salmonellosis is due to Salmonella species. It is a deadly infection that will expose the joints, digestive system and sometimes internal organs.



Swellings at the joints, especially in the wings


Loss of coordination

Drooping wings

Prevention & Treatment:

Keep lofts clean &dry And protect your birds from wild birds

Treat with enrofloxacin or amoxicillin, but please check first with a vet.

There is no special treatment besides isolating the affected pigeons and providing proper hygiene (quality food, clean water)

6. Coccidiosis


Coccidiosis is an infection with Eimeria species that primarily affects the digestive tract of pigeons. This condition is most commonly seen in young birds and tends to spread quickly.


Frequent diarrhea, which may be bloody

Weight loss



Prevention & Treatment:

Ensures that lofts are cleaned and disinfected to avoid spreading the parasite.

Refer to and administer anti-coccidial medications such as toltrazuril or amprolium under a vet’s guidance.

Maintain adequate hygeine and decrease overpopulation of lofts.

7. Worms (Helminths)


Internal parasites — pigeons can be infected with different types of internal pests like roundworms and tapeworms that will feed off the nutrients in their body, affecting the overall pigeon health))^


Even if you eat more than usual, the unexplained loss of weight continues.



Visible worms in droppings

Prevention & Treatment:

Deworm pigeons to rid them of parasites with medication (e.g. fenbendazole or ivermectin).

House parasite free living—Want to make it better and healthier?.

Offer regular health checks to detect early signs

8. Aspergillosis


Aspergillosis: A fungal infection produced by Aspergillus species that grow in damp, moldy environments. It mainly impacts the respiratory system of a pigeon.


Difficulty breathing

Coughing or sneezing

Weight loss


Prevention & Treatment:

Ensure that lofts are well-ventilated and dry to avoid fungus.

Discard spoiled food and clean cages often.

Usually, advanced cases are hard to treat with medications as they cover feet fully.

9. Hexamitiasis


Related to the Tetrameres in that it is a flagellete causing disease, Hexamitiasis refers to an infection with the protozoan Hexamita affecting a pigeon’s gastrointestinal tract. In racing pigeons it is common and may result in marked weight loss.


Watery, green diarrhea


Weight loss


Prevention & Treatment:

Offer clean water and food to avoid the spreading of the protozoa.

Medication should be given accordingly as dimetridazole or ronidazole.

Maintain the loft clean and uncontaminated.

10. Lice and Mites


In pigeons, external parasites such as lice and mites can be extremely irritating and cause discomfort! These parasites can cause feather mite and skin inflammation.


Aggressive scratching or feather preening

Feather loss or damage

Mites or lice seen on feathers

Irritated skin

Prevention & Treatment:

With pigeons You should do a check on them from time to time for any parasites.

Permethrin and Ivermectin sprays do help remove lice and mites.

Keep your lofts and cages clean to avoid infestations.

How to prevent the Disease in Pigeons

VACCINATIONS: Your pigeons should be vaccinated on regular basis against PMV and pigeon pox as a minimum.

Keep the living areas of your pigeons clean and dry. Clean and disinfect food dishes, water bowls and cages frequently.

Balanced diet with fresh water, grains, seeds and supplement their nutrition to improve the immune process.

Regular Health Examinations: Observe your pigeons to see when they get ill and then take preventive measures.

Quarantine New Birds | Always quarantine new pigeons for at least two weeks before adding them to your flock to protect against disease.


Pigeons, despite being inherently tough birds, can be prone to a number of diseases which can seriously compromise their immune system. If you decided to keep pigeons, it is good to know about these common diseases and their symptoms and how to prevent them in a timely manner. To help keep your pigeon healthy and happy in life, always ensure that the environment of your pigeon is clean, take some care through out the year if necessary, never ignore symptoms when your common sense tells you something is going wrong.

If you would like the pigeon take good care please tips on Pigeon Care and Health visiting or Petsfunzone.com has a lot of knowledge about!

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